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The Reformer. Zwingli: A Life’s Portrait

Switzerland, Germany 2018 / Fiction / 128 minutes / Director: Stefan Haupt / Suitable for 12 years and over

Cinema for Schools

"The Reformer. Zwingli: A Life’s Portrait" in class

School lessons
8th grade upwards

Age recommendation
13 and above

Religion, Ethics, History, German

Reformation of the Church, indulgence trade, translation of the Bible, social change in medieval times

Teaching material
The comprehensive school material was developed at the Lucern College of Education by the Institute of History Didactics and Culture of Memory in cooperation with C-FILMS.

>>Teacher’s book Sec1
>>Pupil’s book Sec1
>>Teacher’s book Sec2
>>Pupil’s book Sec2

School cinema event
If you are interested in a school cinema event, please contact a cinema in your area. They will be happy to advise you. Our team will also be happy to help you get in touch. Please contact our dispo department: Tel. 0221 - 222 1980, Email dispo (@) wfilm.de.