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Lonely Oaks

Germany 2023 / Documentary / 102 minutes / Director: Fabiana Fragale, Kilian Kuhlendahl, Jens Mühlhoff / Suitable for 12 years and over

Filmsponsor Konstantin Wecker

Konstantin Wecker »We should remember people like Steffen Meyn who died for a better life for all! That is why I have become a film sponsor of "Lonley Oaks", a documentary film that is great and deeply touching.«  Konstantin Wecker

The musician, actor and author Konstantin Wecker supports the cinema release of "Lonley Oaks" as a film sponsor. Konstantin Wecker, who was born in Munich and has been active in the German-speaking world for more than 50 years, became famous with successful songs such as "Willy": his best-known song is about a man who paid for his right to free speech with his life. This parallel to the documentary film "Lonley Oaks" is not the only one: in many ways, Wecker is committed to kilma protection and to a humane, equal and domination-free society. Sometimes argumentative, sometimes contemplative, sometimes gentle, sometimes explosive - but always passionate. Many consider him an icon of resistance.

Video message about the film:

>> More about Konstantin Wecker
>> Link to song "Willy"